Observatório da Jihad


Palavras do fundador da Irmandade Muçulmana

«O Islão é ideologia e fé, pátria e nacionalidade, religião e Estado, espírito e acção, livro e espada.»

Hassan Al Banna


At 20:38, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Crimes de guerra da escumalha nazi-sionista em Gaza...

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Khaled Wahba at Dana Children's Hospital in Tel Aviv. "What happened, happened, and who's gone is gone, but what about this boy?" (Cell phone photo by Mohammed Wahba)

The Wahbas' last meal

By Gideon Levy

They'd all sat down to have lunch at home: The mother Fatma, her daughter Farah, 2; her son Khaled, 1; Fatma's brother, Dr. Zakariya Ahmed; his daughter-in-law Shayma, who was nine months pregnant; and the 78-year-old grandmother. A family gathering in Khan Yunis in honor of the uncle, who'd arrived home six days earlier from Saudi Arabia.

A big boom is heard outside. Fatma hurriedly scoops up the littlest one and tries to escape into an inner room. But another boom follows immediately. This time it's a direct hit by the second missile fired by the excellent Israel Air Force pilot, and it comes right into the dining room through the ceiling. Fatma, three months pregnant, is killed on the spot by the shrapnel that hits her spine. Her brother, Dr. Ahmed, is also killed. His daughter-in-law miscarries her child, the little girl Farah is moderately injured and the baby of the family, Khaled, is critically injured in the head. A puddle of blood collects on the floor. Only the grandmother is unhurt. It will be many minutes before the ambulance arrives. This was the last meal of the Wahba family.

At 20:46, Blogger Diogo said...

Então ó Sliver? É só dizer bacoradas e provar nada. Que rico blogue que tu tens. Merda, merda e mais merda. Não dizes duas para a caixa! Não provas nada, não explicas nada e não percebes nada. Sabes o que tu és?

At 13:08, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Se fosse hoje cortavam logo a cabeça a este Hassan.
Então com fato e gravata, hein !?
Havia logo que separar a cabeça do corpo.
Veja-se em cima o estilo do omar.
Já não pode ter o mesmo estilo.


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