Observatório da Jihad


As leituras da Elise 4

Esta semana a Elise seleccionou:


Saddam's Terrorist Blueprints * Captured AQ Documents: "Every Year Is Worse Than The Previous Year" * The Prison of the Present


Iran Moves to Stop 'Immoral Behavior' * Deterring Tehran (Daniel Pipes) * When Iran's Genocidal Mullahs Think the Unthinkable * Crazy Mahmoud * Ahmadinejad's letter to Bush * «Israel vai desaparecer» * Iran letter precursor to war? * Iran: The Islamofascist Terrormasters * In Iran, Apocalypse vs. Reform

Israel - Palestina

9 Wounded in Hamas-Fatah Clashes in Gaza *Hamas Hate-Comics for Kids * David and Goliath * Hamas quer fechar campos de treino palestinianos


No way out (sobre Darfur) * Mark Steyn: New coalition of willing needed in Darfur *The war we are fighting needs a more accurate name * An Annual Hatefest * The Muslim Brotherhood "Project" * Jordan plot suspects say they trained in Syria * Londonistan