Observatório da Jihad


«O Colapso do Islão»

Shoghi Effendi, o Gardião da Fé Bahá'í escreveu em 1938 The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh onde dedica um capítulo ao Colapso do Islão.

«The collapse of the power of the Shí’ih hierarchy, in a land which had for centuries been one of the impregnable strongholds of Muslim fanaticism, was the inevitable consequence of that wave of secularization which, at a later time, was to invade some of the most powerful and conservative ecclesiastical institutions in both the European and American continents. Though not the direct outcome of the last war, this sudden trembling which had seized this hitherto immovable pillar of Islamic orthodoxy accentuated the problems and deepened the restlessness with which a war-weary world was being afflicted. Shí’ih Islám had lost once for all, in Bahá’u’lláh’s native land and as the direct consequence of its implacable hostility to His Faith, its combative power, had forfeited its rights and privileges, had been degraded and demoralized, and was being condemned to hopeless obscurity and ultimate extinction. No less than twenty thousand martyrs, however, had to sacrifice their lives ere the Cause for which they had stood and died could register this initial victory over those who were the first to repudiate its claims and mow down its gallant warriors. “Vileness and poverty were stamped upon them, and they returned with wrath from God.”»
continuar a ler aqui
Mais sobre a fé Bahá'í nos blogues portugueses Povo de Bahá e A Paz Universal


At 23:23, Blogger Marco Oliveira said...

Convém lembrar duas coisas:

1 - O mesmo livro contém um capitulo dedicado à "Deterioração das Instituições Cristãs". Vaticina uma futuro complicado ao Cristianismo, mas não o seu colapso.

2 - Apesar de referir o colapso do Islão (e penso que aqui se deve entender Islão como a Umma, a comunidade dos crentes), é importante ter presente que os baha'is acreditam que Maomé foi um Profeta enviado por Deus.

At 13:34, Blogger João Moutinho said...

Desde já agradecemos o facto de ter citado Shoghi Effendi.
No entanto, venho mais uma vez reafirmar de forma inequívoca a nossa crença em Maomé, como Manifestante Divino e "Sêlo dos Profetas".
Muitos dos princípios que hoje defendemos como a igualdade de direitos entre homens e mulheres jamais seriam possíveis sem a precedência do Islão.

At 16:20, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Desculpa lá, quem são que agradecem?
Os João Moutinhos ou os bahá'is?


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