Observatório da Jihad


Islam watch

Islam Watch é um site indispensável para conhecer o Islão através do testemunho de ex-muçulmanos que afirmam:
* We assert that Islam is not a religion of peace but is founded on war, violence, terrorism, hate and injustice.
* We affirm that Islam is a false religion.
* We conclude that Islam is responsible for rampant corruption, widespread misrule, implausible tyranny, mindless terrorism, unrelenting violence and pervasive social injustice in the Muslim world

Leia também os testemunhos de:
My Journey to Freedom - Meher Ali Khan
Making of An Unbeliever - Abul Kasem
Why I Left Islam - Ali Sina


At 19:57, Anonymous Anónimo said...

O que têm a dizer estes convertidos a outras religiões vale zero!


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